And once you are one, it is hard to switch it off once a person goes back to normal life. 5: The military prepares people to become soldiers, just like a coach prepares people to become athletes. It shows the happy carefree side of war, and also the darker undertones, and not-so-under-toned evils of war. It will make those that like to argue and takes sides, have a wonderful time with it. A person can pick out a lot of evidence supporting the military, and at times make it look like a recruiting tool, or it can show anti war, anti-Bush, anti everything. And just about any person can pick out a lot of evidence to support why they liked it and why they did not. Black Hawk Down might be closer to what you're looking for, although finding an action movie about Desert Storm is kind of hard.

If you want it to be, find another movie. Easily a contender for this year's cinematography award. 1: Cinematography is downright beautiful in this movie. I'm here to give a layman's take on the movie and not be concerned with politics or agendas. I'm not even here to give you a professional review of this movie, or sound educated and witty. I'm not writing this to convince you of my opinion. I am not a professional writer, I am not a director, I am not important.