Fletcher visits Kevin's home, where he reveals that he has met 'The Beast', in actuality a yet-to-manifest 24th personality.

She takes a walkie-talkie from Hedwig and uses it to call for help, but the man at the other end thinks it is a prank. Casey convinces 'Hedwig' to let her out of her cell to see his bedroom, believing that there might be a means of escape through the window 'Hedwig' has described in that room, but she finds that it is only a drawing of a window. Casey befriends 'Hedwig', another one of Kevin's personalities that is a 9 year-old boy, who reveals himself as the one to have taken control of 'the light' from 'Barry'. He later experienced an awkward incident with two teenage girls where they forced Kevin to touch their breasts, which Fletcher believes triggered 'Dennis' to take over.Marcia attempts to escape but is caught by 'Patricia' and separated from Casey.